Tin từ Mục sư Y Hin Nie

TNAC nhận được những gịng dưới đây xin trân trọng phổ biến tới quư độc giả:

Kể từ thứ  hai 19-4-2004, Radio Chân Trời Mới phát thanh tại VN trên làn sóng trung b́nh  1503 AM mỗi đêm 8:30--9:30 giờ tối. Email  ctm@radioctm.com


Kính gởi quư vị và các bạn AUDIO âm thanh
Mục sư Y Hin Nie quản nhiệm Hội Thánh Tin Lành International Montagnard Bible Church, thông tin về t́nh h́nh mới nhất ở Cao Nguyên Trung Phần Việt Nam. Có nhiều người bị đói khát, không dám đi nhà thương, trong không khí khủng bố đồng bào Thượng.
MS gởi lời cầu nguyện an ủi về Việt Nam, hỗ trợ tinh thần cho đồng bào Thượng. MS kêu gọi "đừng sợ hăi", "Chúa sẽ ban quyền năng, Chúa sẽ phù hộ cho các bạn vững chắc trong Đức Tin", "Chúa sẽ lau hết nước mắt ḿnh, an ủi ḿnh, mặc áo choàng vinh danh. Máu đă đổ, Chúa sẽ ban phước cho các bạn..."
MS Y Hin Nie kêu gọi quư vị cầu nguyện chung.
           (bấm vào đây nghe âm thanh)

My Brothers & Sisters in Christ !!!!


Easter 2004 has a significance for the Montagnard Christians in Central Vietnam, though the road to Golgotha. I believe some of you who watched the film "The Passion of the Christ", you may understand what terrible things Christ has gone through for us. Especially today, I am asking you all join us to pray for YOUR BROTHERS & SISTERS IN CHRIST IN VIETNAM, THEY ARE LIVING IN FEAR, HUNGER, MANY WITH LOST LOVED ONES, SOME DIED AND MANY IN PRISON.  We are planning two days-- April 17 & 18, 2004--on which to pray for the Montagnard Situation in Vietnam. Therefore today Montagnard Pastors from the three Cities of Raleigh, Charlotte and Greensboro, gather together in the United Montagnard Christian Church 1204 Street, Greensboro, NC 27405.  Also, All Montagnard, Vietnamese and American Christians are cordially invited to share your heart for the Montagnard tragedy in Vietnam. We are to continue praying on the First Saturday of the month @ 12:00 noon for 10 minutes--praying or meditating to raise your Faith and pray to God until everybody is able to practice their religions in Vietnam. May God's Blessing be upon you.

 --- Rev Y Hin Nie

"Let everyone who is Godly pray to you while you may be found" (Psalm 32:6)
Praying for the Persecuted Church
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,
"Come, ye blessed of my Father...for I was in prison,
and ye came unto me... In as much as ye have done
it to the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me..." (Mt 25:34-46).
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them;
and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves
also in the body (Heb 13:3).

For decades, Vietnamese Communists have been warring against the Montagnards, or mountain people, a tribe in Vietnam's central highlands. U.S. troops sometimes referred to them as "America's most loyal allies in Vietnam." The communist government's repressive campaign against the Montagnards has intensified in the past few years after a massive conversion to Christianity swept through their villages. Recent reports detail instances in which Vietnamese authorities have forced Christian tribesmen to drink pigs' blood and to renounce Jesus as Lord. 

Thousands of Montagnards staged demonstrations at government facilities last year to protest their lack of religious freedom and the government's confiscation of tribal lands and possessions. Many fled to U.N. refugee camps in Cambodia to escape further persecution. But in late January the United Nations High Commission for Refugee (UNHCR), Cambodia and Vietnam reached a joint agreement that will bring pressure upon the Montagnards to return to Vietnam. The Montagnards had no say in the decision.

March 2, scores of the Montagnards were forcibly repatriated to Vietnam by Cambodian authorities. Many believe if the American and international communities do not deal with this act of forceful repatriation, thousands remaining in Cambodia will face a very bleak future. (For more information on the Montagnards, see www.montagnards.org.)

While Americans are concerned with the possibility of war in Iraq and more terrorist attacks at home, Christians must remember those  elsewhere facing persecution for their faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.

--Christian Aid reports that communist authorities have imprisoned 200-300 Christian pastors at undisclosed locations inside Vietnam. Among them are 11 Hmong pastors from the North with numerous of Bahnar, Jarai, Ede and Mnong and other tribes pastors from the Central Highlands. 

--Hanoi's police took these pastors from their homes without explanation. The families have not been able otherwise determine the whereabouts of their abducted husbands and fathers.

--Secret documents have been uncovered describing a government-sponsored program (called "Plan 184") to systematically persecute Christians. Open Doors, a ministry to persecuted Christians, ranks Vietnam as the fourth worst persecutor of Christians worldwide. Their 2002 list places Vietnam behind North Korea, Laos and Saudi Arabia.

--The persecution by Vietnamese authorities is brutal and barbaric.

--Reports say Vietnamese police disrupt house churches, barge into the homes to stop worship services, rip Bibles and songbooks from worshipers’ hands, and drive them out of the service, threatening them with death. The police have forced many to sign documents recanting their faith. At least 356 house churches have been closed by authorities (from John Lindner, Christian Aid).

 Join Us in Intercession for the Persecuted Church:

-Heavenly Father, COMFORT, STRENGTHEN & ENCOURAGE Your people in
Vietnam. Be their ADVOCATE. May JUSTICE be done in

Vietnam Job 16:16-21; Ps 91:all; 82:all; 126:all; 1 Cor 15:57-58; 1 Jn 2:1-2, 5:4).

-AWAKEN the American, Europe, Canada and

World Wide Christian  Churches to PRAY! In Jesus' Name, Amen
(Mt 25:31-46; Heb 13:3).

Pray Request:
1. Ask God to change the hearts of the Hanoi authority.
The Hanoi that does the killing must stop immediately.
Furthermore, we desire an account be made of these
atrocities and an effort made to identify the victims.
2. Pray for those pastors to be released immediately,
unharmed, and also to permit their churches to
gather and worship in freedom.
3. Pray for the allowance to publish and distribute religious
texts and materials such as the Christian Bible. To be
able to have such materials is possession without fear
 of persecution or retaliation from the government or any of it’s agencies.
4. Pray for the allowance to build places of worship
without fear of persecution, and to own such places of worship.
5. Pray for the allowance to train and appoint religious
leaders in and out of the Socialist Republic; to invite
religious leaders from other parts of the free world to Vietnam.
6. Pray for Hanoi to return all Christian churches and
lands immediately, including artifacts belonging
to the Montagnard churches.
7. Pray for Hanoi to release imprisoned or confined Christians
immediately, those in prison and re-education camps, etc.,
8. Pray for the Montagnard freedom to freely assemble
for the worship of their choice, without persecution.
9. Pray for 30,000 widows and orphans
